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On-Premise and On-demand Computing

Today ,we all need computing and our computing needs can be met by two different approaches.

On-premise Computing 
The first and traditional approach is called on-premise computing. In this approach individuals or institutions determine their computing needs, procure required hardware and software, install and run on the computers located on the premise- personal office or company building. Until very recently , up to 2005, the on-premises approach to deploying and using business software was the most common. 

On-demand Computing
The second approach for meeting computing needs is called on-demand wherein user can access computing resources directly from remote location via Internet. In the early days, only software was available on-demand and was called hosted service.   Today this mode of availing resource is called cloud computing. In this cloud computing on-demand computing user can access all types of computing resources- hardware, software, tools and more directly the service providers.



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