One of most practical ways to understand what a cloud architect does, is to talk to people in that role? In this conversation, a pair of cloud architects, Oracle ACE Director Ron Batra
(product director for cloud computing at AT&T) and Dr. James Baty
(VP of Oracle's Global Enterprise Architecture Program) , talk about how cloud computing is driving the supply-chaining of IT and the democratization of the activity of architecture, about the increasing velocity of IT, and about why architects need to up their game to succeed in a cloud-driven world.
B. Rhubart It seems logical to start by asking each of you to describe a little bit about what you do. Ron, let's start with you.R. Batra I'm a director of products at AT&T, and I focus on AT&T's public cloud services. Currently, I lead a product called AT&T Cloud Architect, which is the infrastructure of the service, and I worked with a few Cloud products prior to this role as well.B. Rhubart Jim, how about you?J. Baty It's a good question. At Oracle, I work on enterprise architecture and try to understand and build methodology. For the last several years, I have been working on methodology for cloud computing and dynamic infrastructure. I suppose that a simple way of looking at that is, it is pretty straightforward, old traditional-style architecture, but at the same time, the analogy I like to call on is the difference between building a car and building a factory for cars. A lot of what we try to do in cloud computing and the architecture associated with it is construct meta-architecture, these fields of resources upon which applications are dynamically developed and deployed.For complete conversation read here
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