Cloud Computing Search

Cloud Computing Country Perspective: New Zealand

According to a report " It’s a cliche but in cloud computing we really are missing the wood for the trees.
Perhaps unfairly, I blame IT vendors for pushing ‘x as a service’ ad nauseam. Most people hear all those tech terms and tune out.
Yet, cloud computing as a business strategy has the potential to be a game changer. Businesses, politicians and policy makers have to understand that cloud computing represents table stakes for international competitiveness today, a necessity rather than tech blah blah.
Conditioned by thinking in physical terms- our small market and geographical isolation- the transition to digital and Internet thinking is not easy. It’s made worse by our collective failure to lift our sights from tech talk to strategic thinking, both at a business and country level.
Cloud computing does offer potentially significant benefits for the intended audience of IT vendor-speak, enterprises. All the talk of reduced operational costs, shift from capital expenditure to operational costs, access to best practices, reduced time to market, and increased agility/flexibility is true. But that’s missing the wood for the trees. Worse, we are drowning in a sea of IT vendors proclaiming how they have the bestest and truest cloud solution.
At the most fundamental level, cloud computing is truly about enabling new business strategies.
It is about New Zealand overcoming physical limitations of market size and the tyranny of distance. For details see here 



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