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Ferris from Cloud Sherpas to help Google App Engine Developers

Cloud Sherpas, a company that helps businesses implement cloud computing services, released Thursday an open source Python framework to simplify custom app development on Google App Engine. But in 2011, the company was losing custom app development opportunities presented by its enterprise clients because there were too few tools available to accelerate Google App Engine projects. The absence of a mature tool ecosystem for App Engine meant that custom apps tended to take longer and cost more than clients would accept. 

The result was Ferris, a Python framework for accelerating Google App Engine development. Named in honor of the work-avoiding protagonist of the 1986 film Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Ferris aspires to make life easier for App Engine developers.
"What Ferris does is it provides an application framework that prevents the developer from having to do a lot of the redundant work to wire [application components] together," said Lockyear.
Lockyear said that while Google Apps provides users with collaboration and content creation tools, it doesn't include workflow or business process applications, which tend to be different for every organization. And according to Lockyear, one of the first things Google Apps customers want to do is extend the environment to meet specific workflow and business process needs. As an example, he pointed to an HR issue-tracking system created for one client. For complete details see here



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